This morning I wake up.
I see the mess in my room, my dog is barking loudly. I smell the dirty trash truck billowing down the street. I stand up. My limbs are sore today, and my hair is knotted. I want to mope, whine; groan. But a thought strikes me, a thought so simple yet so overwhelming.
I woke up.
I have eyes that see, ears that hear, a nose that smells.
I can stand, walk, move. I have hair on my head.
God has so blessed me, and I so often forget it. His generous blessings surround me. Not just His common grace in my everyday life, but His infinite love and mercy as He looks on Christ's perfect life and satisfactory death, instead of my imperfections. Though I'm sinful and wretched, God sees a clean slate, a perfect record. He sees Christ in my stead.
I am completely unworthy; so blessed.